Take a trip down memory lane with this specially curated collection of ADVENTURE TIME—er, adventures! From powerful psychic beings that eat years (and years and years and years and—) of Finn’s memory, to suddenly appearing sisters (what do you mean you don’t remember Adventure Time with Finn, Jake, and Gata?!), to Finn and Jake becoming sheriffs pursuing injustice across the endless sands of the desert (wait, they haven’t been sheriffs this whole time?!), this specially sized collection of Adventure Time comics collects some of Finn & Jake’s wildest adventures! Surely they . . . ring a bell?! Artists Shelli Paroline, Braden Lamb, Zachary Sterling, Phil Murphy, Ian McGintyCollects issue #31–34, #46–49, and #54–57 of the original Adventure Time comics run!
Adventure Time Trade Paperback Vol. 01 Down Memory Lane (ONI Compact Comics Edition)
Release date: 03-09-2025
Dia code: MAR25-0325ON540