School life meets underground crime in this quirky action comedy that's like Assassination Classroom meets Nisekoi! Delinquent high schooler Arakuni Ibuki is drafted to protect his childhood friend Honeko Akabane, the secret daughter of a yakuza leader. It's no small task, especially when they're up against hired assassins who also have just one job… to kill Honeko Akabane! Ibuki joins the elite corps of bodyguards that make up Class 3-4 of Sosoji High School. Akabane is oblivious to the elaborate covert operation surrounding her. Is this team of misfits really up for the job?
Honeko Akabanes Bodyguards Graphic Novel Vol. 01
Masamitsu Nigatsu
Release date: 29-01-2025
Dia code: NOV242049