As a fierce sandstorm rages outside, our heroes seek refuge in a mysterious cave, only to discover a merchant caravan huddled there, waiting out the storm. But the cave holds a darker secret – it's the ancient tomb of a legendary general who fought in this very spot two centuries ago, around the same time Xie Lian was scavenging nearby… The merchants believe Banyue Pass is safe, with a skilled guide leading the way. But fate has other plans: a sudden attack by deadly scorpion-snakes leaves a merchant and the crown prince poisoned. The only hope for survival lies in the rare shanyue herb, hidden within the ruins of a long-lost city. Will our heroes find it in time? The adventure just took a deadly turn!
Heaven Officials Blessing Hardcover Vol. 04 (of 6)
Release date: 28-05-2025
Dia code: MAR251010