IN THE GRAND TRA-DEN-TION OF RICHARD CORBEN! FULL-FRONTAL ASSAULT WRESTLING ON ANOTHER WORLD! ADULTS ONLY It's Fred Perry's first Gold Digger project following the close of the main series, and he's BUSTING out the BIG GUNS with an ADULTS-ONLY adventure, including BONUS MATERIAL not in the miniseries! The Engi Shamans of Marz have gotten themselves in trouble again, but are wary of summoning Gina (who got really ticked at them the last time they dragged her from her continuum). So they reach out and grab a couple of 'nearby heroes'! Can Battle Cheets and Warmistress rescue their 'summoners'…the only ones who can send them home?
Gold Digger War Mistress Of Mars Hardcover (A)
Fred Perry
Release date: 29-01-2025
Dia code: NOV241332
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