Kaiju (Japanese for 'strange creature') is a film genre that emerged in Japan in the early '50s. The movies center on giant monsters battling humans, machines, or other beasts. First popular in the '50s and '60s, this film category has stomped its way back into mainstream culture. This comprehensive guide features a thorough discussion of monster movies (Gamera; Rodan; Destroy All Monsters); insight into how kaiju has impacted international films (Ant Man; 50-Foot Woman; Jurassic Park); stunning movie posters and film stills, plus fan-made tributes to some of the kaiju classics (Godzilla; King Kong; Mothra; Pacific Rim); and more! This volume provides the perfect general introduction to the genre, reference to its film highlights, and celebration of its practitioners, trends, and stories.
Kaiju Unleashed Illus Gt World Of Strange Beasts Hardcover
Dia code: AUG241716
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