Thirty-four years after a massive nuclear war, New York City is submerged in caustic water and dominated by brutal gangs who live in the city’s battered skyscrapers. Zero usually works in this melted metropolis as a ‘trash man,’ hunting down renegade gang members, but he embarks on a strange mission for an overseas ruler. While America is scorched by nuclear fires and far from recovering, Africa is a mythical land of civilization and safety-but in order to get to this faraway paradise, Zero needs to find a mysterious metal briefcase. He’s made himself the target of just about every powerful gangster in town, but Zero is determined and driven by ghosts from his past. With a little help from Stark, his young, unwanted partner, he just might pull it off-and settle some old scores while he’s at it! Arvid Nelson’s tale of a twisted, alternate future comes to an end!
Zero Killer 6 (of 6)
Dia code: AUG090024
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